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Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota Youth 10-17: JOIN the LaCrosse, Wisconsin area Sea Cadets TODAY!

USNSCC Mission

The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps is an official youth leadership development program of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard. Our mission is to educate America’s young men and women in a naval tradition with hands-on experiential training occurring on naval bases and other military installations in order to imbue the highest ideals of honor, respect, service, and commitment.


Training and oversight is provided by teams of dedicated adult volunteers who come from a variety of naval, military, and civilian backgrounds. All volunteers undergo extensive background checks.

What do Sea Cadets do?


During the school year, cadets
attend monthly drills at their
local unit, participating in a wide variety of naval and military-based training. Aspects of the training will be challenging and you'll develop camaraderie with your fellow cadets.   Cadets attend recruit training, generally in their first summer,
which consists of instruction in general
military topics, drill and ceremonies,
and physical fitness, while focusing on
the development of teamwork and self-

Cadets later have opportunities to attend
advanced trainings of their choice.
We offer a variety of experiential,
hands-on trainings including:
field operations, vehicle maintenance,
leadership, cyber security, SCUBA
certification, robotics, SeaBees, SEAL training, and international exchanges.


Cadets advance in rank and gain leadership roles as they progress through the program.

What We Do


Parents! You may be interested in volunteering- if so, be sure to ask how you might be able to pitch in.


A frequently asked question of parents is, "Is my child committed to military service after high school because of participation in the Sea Cadets?"


The answer is No. However, should he or she be interested in having a good experience of the naval / military life to see where their interest lies, this is a great opportunity to do so. Should a cadet later choose to enlist, he or she will find that their time as a Sea Cadet will count towards early advancements.

Gain Naval and Military Experiences, Develop Leadership, Honor and Courage, Wear the US Navy Uniform!

 No military commitment is made by joining the Sea Cadets, but for those who choose to enlist later, there are significant enlistment and promotion bonuses available for US Naval Sea Cadets!

Battleship Wisconsin Division personnel attend the launching of a new U.S. Navy warship.


Sea Cadets learning practical electrical skills. Hands on!

One of many Sea Cadets privileges: Honor Guard

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The Battleship USS Wisconsin

Chart Your Course! What's the next step? Contact us today. Email or Call. Find us on Facebook for the
latest happenings!


         LTJG Brett Dougherty USNSCC (CO), email:

                                                                     phone: 641-750-4099


      Like us on Facebook:  Battleship Wisconsin Division, U.S. Naval Sea Cadets


                     Click on the Sea Cadets link below for the NHQ website:

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